Sunday, December 14, 2008

Richard Miles

I’ve grown up in a society where things are constantly changing. As I became accustomed to the ever changing world I’m growing up in, I realized that there was one person who was always the same, something I could always count on: my grandfather. I’m not talking about the kind of rigidness and inflexibility that you sometimes associate with growing older. I’m talking about the steadfastness of character and loyalty to all things good and true that we rarely see these days. I will always remember my grandfather in a brightly colored sports coat sitting in one of the front pews of this church. I’ll remember his cookie jar filled with cookies, the dozens of rubber bands he wore around his wrists, and his commitment to the Ohio State buckeyes. I’ll remember getting birthday cards exactly two days before my birthday with cash stuffed in the envelope every year. I’ll remember the unique greetings he had for each of us his grandchildren, Sal sal, Philly, and Nasty. I’ll also remember his loyalty in love and service to his wife, my Gram. I’ll remember his love for his children and his grandchildren, his commitment to supporting anyone who wanted to make the world a better place, and his ability to forgive quickly. I know I am very lucky to have had almost thirty years with a grandfather like him and my love and admiration for him will never change.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Pomp

My grandfather passed away. I'll always remember him for being a generous grandfather, a loving father, a passionate husband, and a terrific salesman. He could drink whiskey sours with the best of them and he loved The Ohio State Buckeyes. I asked him what he could attribute his successful life to and he said his friends. He said he had amazing friends and they made him that man that he was.

Here is a cute picture of Richard Miles and his grandson, the next best thing....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Random Questions

I get asked all kinds of questions by student, but most of these questions are inappropriate or are posed at inappropriate time. These questions include: Are you pregnant? When are you going to get pregnant? Do you drink? Have you ever done drugs? Can I go to the bathroom? When does winter break begin?

You get the idea.

Today I was teaching a lesson about parables to set up our future discussion of Homer's Odyssey and one of my students raised her hand and asked," Do you know if the angels are Jesus' sisters and brothers?"

I honestly don't know but was a little taken aback by the nature (and somewhat appropriateness) of this question. I'll let you know if I find out.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Dear Pomp,

My grandfather is in hospice care and is in very critical condition. This is a note I sent to him this week.

Thank you for my generous birthday present. I'm saving up for a trip with Mr. Pete next summer so your present will be very helpful. We're thinking Europe or South America.

It was very good to see you this week. As always, you made me laugh.

I really admire your courage and your character as you have been laid up these last few weeks. You are a better patient than I would be.

As a young married woman, it's inspirting to see how much you and Gram love each other after all these years. I hope Mr. Pete and I can make marriage look as easy as you and Gram do.

I'm so thankful that you have always takens so much interest in me as your grand daughter. You went to countless Nutcrackers and even memorized Shakespeare.

I love you so much!

