Monday, December 1, 2008

Dear Pomp,

My grandfather is in hospice care and is in very critical condition. This is a note I sent to him this week.

Thank you for my generous birthday present. I'm saving up for a trip with Mr. Pete next summer so your present will be very helpful. We're thinking Europe or South America.

It was very good to see you this week. As always, you made me laugh.

I really admire your courage and your character as you have been laid up these last few weeks. You are a better patient than I would be.

As a young married woman, it's inspirting to see how much you and Gram love each other after all these years. I hope Mr. Pete and I can make marriage look as easy as you and Gram do.

I'm so thankful that you have always takens so much interest in me as your grand daughter. You went to countless Nutcrackers and even memorized Shakespeare.

I love you so much!



1 comment:

Megan said...

I wish I had known your grandfather more, Sal. I'd like to think he'll get to read this letter with all of his eternal time in heaven :) meg