I've always been keenly aware of how parents treat their children. As a teacher, I've witnessed some pretty amazing parent-child relationships. I've also seen some pretty horrifying ones. The school I worked at used to hold parent-teacher conferences in a large room. Parents and students waited in line to meet with teachers who were sitting at cafeteria tables. I will never forget sitting with a student with a speech impairment while his mom berated him in front of me, the other teachers, and the whole lot of parents and students waiting in the building. It was really sad.
Today, when I was walking into Target, I saw this family walking out carrying a bunch of college dorm room-looking gear. The girl had a pink cushion tucked under her armpit and the dad was hauling something pink and and awkward out to the car. The mother kept yelling "stop arguing with me." At one point the father said, "no one is arguing with you" at which point she turned to her daughter, who was not speaking, and yelled "shut up." She continued yelling "shut up" and taunting the girl to "open her mouth" the the father and daughter loaded the pinkness into the car.
After I passed them, I watched a mother, her two sons, and her little girl leaving the store as well. The little girl was crying because she wanted popcorn. The mother said, "that's not how you ask, ask nicely." 'Good,' I thought, 'I'll witness a positive interaction between a mother and her daughter. "You are being such a brat, stop being such a brat," she yelled.
I know I won't be the perfect mother. In fact today, I imagined a conversation with my daughter some day about how I knew I would let her down. I don't want her to see me as perfect or infallible. I'm not. I do, however, want to be able to have conversations where we tell each other about the expectations we have for each other, we discuss being disappointed by the other. At some point; I want to be her friend, her confidant, her go-to girl.
It makes me very nervous to think about being someone's mother. It makes me even more nervous to be my daughter's mother. Relationships with mothers are tender, complicated, and easily misunderstood. And yet, they can be the most important relationship a woman ever has. The prospect of a relationship with my daughter both scares me and emboldens me. It is such a grave responsibility to raise a young woman today. I just hope I have the courage to do it the right way.
Friday, August 20, 2010
"Girls Become Lovers Who Turn Into Mothers"
Untitled and Stuff
This blog post by Amalah rings true on so many levels for me.
I have so had some "bad ideas" namely in the home decorating category during which I may have decorated with smelly candles that make you gag just so I can hide that one water mark.
I always use the disclaimer, "my house is such a mess" especially when people are coming over and you can still smell the Windex and the closets are bulging with whatever we've decided to "put away" in there.
After I clean the kitchen, the most logical thing to do is to make something with eleventy-hundred ingredients, the food processor, the mixer, the garlic press, some knives that can't go in the dishwasher, something frozen that explodes in the microwave, and all my glass bowls.
Usually, when I embark on said cooking adventure, I'm missing some major ingredient that cannot be replaced. Oh, like cooking oil. Except the one time I made granola with olive oil instead of regular oil. It was really good. I swear I read about it here, but now I can't find it.
I love when you read something and it totally resonates with you. Amalah's post did just that. And, at the same time, it made me feel a little better about myself. This staying home with a baby thing is harder than I thought it would be. More on that later.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dear Postpartum Body
Dear Postpartum Body,
Please work out your differences with my prepartum body. Put your running shoes on. I'll see you on the street!
Stinky Pete
PS: I spent a small fortune on new running shoes and inserts. Let this be your motivation.
Friday, July 2, 2010
What's for lunch?
So I told you I would be back. And my first post back won't be about how my 15 month old washing machine broke this week with $300 worth of cloth diapers LOCKED inside (it's a front loader). The repair man is coming today so I won't talk about it.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I'll be back
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Domestic Bliss
I have my own stories to share today about domestic bliss, but you should check out this story first. If you've ever moved a shared object only to be met by the sheer terror of your partner upon not returning it, this story is for you. If you're perfect and always return things after you've moved them, you can skip it.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
My brother got shot and all I got was this lousy t-shirt
I know, it's a lewd title. My school, celebrating basketball school spirit, hosted a blanket and stuffed animal day this week. The first image I saw when I arrived, was the face of a dead student embroidered onto a lap blanket and draped over the shoulders of his little brother.
My Hips Don't Lie
The imminent birth of a child during pregnancy is enough to make this grown woman cry (every day on the way to work). I mean really, it's just pretty spectacular. I've really enjoyed the whole pregnancy idea that my body is working over time to help our Creator co-create this infant. I'm amazed at how quickly cells divide and multiply. It makes me faint to think of a little heart beginning to beat. It feels pretty remarkable to be a part of what seems like a miracle.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Ok, really I'm back
The public is calling. People are saying, "are you going to write on your blog again, ever?" Flattering really. I can't ignore my adoring public.